Religious Education

Religious Education at Padbury Catholic School comprises two distinct but complementary dimensions – teaching religion as curriculum area and developing the religious dimension of the school by nurturing the religious, spiritual and faith of our students.
Religious Education is central to the curriculum and life of the school. It is taught in a context with the same systematic demands and rigour as all other learning areas and is sequenced to help children relate to the Catholic faith within their daily lives. The units of work are set by Catholic Education Western Australia and mandated by the Bishops of Western Australia.
Religious Educations lessons are complemented by prayer, liturgical singing and class and whole school liturgies and prayer assemblies.
Pastoral Care means enhancing the dignity of each person within our school community whilst maximising learning and growth. The pastoral care of Padbury Catholic Primary children is of paramount importance and is a shared responsibility between the school and the home.
Sacramental Program
Children participate in Parish-based Sacramental programs in Year Three (Penance/ Reconciliation), Year Four (Eucharist) and Year Six (Confirmation). As the first faith educators of their children, our parents are an integral part of this preparation and are encouraged to be supportive and involved in the process.
Parent information sessions and parent/child workshops are held as part of the preparation for each sacrament.