Extra Curricular Activities
At Padbury Catholic Primary School we have a wide range of Extra Curricular Activities on offer for students throughout the school:

Running Club
To practice our Cross Country Running skills, Running Club is 1 morning before school on our oval in Term 2 and 3. This is a hugely popular training club, with over 200 students joining in.

Swimming Club
Swimming Training is held before school 2 mornings a week throughout Term 1. Students receive training by our coaches at Craigie Leisure Centre, before returning to school to start the school day.

Coding Club
Coding Club is run after school once a week during Term 2 and 3. The aim of Coding Club is to develop the students' innovation, creativity and problem-solving skills by providing them with opportunities to learn how to write codes and further enrich their digital technologies skills. This program is run by our Key Teacher in Technologies.

Lego Masters
Lego Masters is held at lunch times during Term 4 in our Learning Hub, where we have a Lego wall and dedicated Lego Tables. Students use their creativity to work in teams and build creations based around a specific theme. Entires are judged and winners announced for each year level.

Musical Production
Years 5 & 6 students are offered the opportunity to be involved in a full-scale biennial Musical Production with rehearsals throughout Term 2 and 3, with a number of performances in Term 3. The Musical is a wonderful opportunity for those with acting, dancing and singing talents, as well as those interested in making props and backgrounds, to display their talents. In 2023, the Musical Production was Star Warts, The Musical

Students in Years 4 to 6 have the opportunity to participate in Choir. We also have boys and girls choirs that run throughout the year. Our choirs have the chance to perform at school Masses, Assemblies and Performing Arts showcases, such as One Big Voice.

MBA Sports Coaching
One afternoon a week, students from Kindy-Year 6 are able to book into MBA Sports Coaching, where instructors provide a range of different options to provide progressive and differentiated sport sessions for our students.

Music Instrumental Tutor (Private)
Students are able to participate in individual music tutoring on the school site. Currently we have Keyboard, Violin, Guitar, Voice and Drums on offer. This program is offered through external providers at our school.