At Padbury Catholic Primary School, our Kindy programme offers an amazing learning experience where children are challenged and engaged in the learning process. It is available for children who turn four years of age prior to 1 July in the year they are due to commence.
Kindergarten days are:
Week 1 Kindy Gecko Monday/Wednesday/alternate Friday
Kindy Wallaby Tuesday/Thursday
Week 2 Kindy Gecko Monday/Wednesday
Kindy Wallaby Tuesday/Thursday/alternate Friday
The programme is designed around the concept of Play-based Education, which is the principle learning strategy for children of this age.
The main aim of the Early Years Programme is to provide a happy, secure and motivating environment. Play helps build the basic capabilities of the brain and that is why a great deal of our time at Kindergarten is spent on purposeful, educational play.
We acknowledge that each child develops in different ways, at different rates and we embrace the individuality of each child.
We know that children come from diverse backgrounds, bringing with them their own perspectives, cultures and experiences and therefore need differing amounts of time and support to develop common understandings. It is important therefore, to embrace all the wonderful things your child can do and anticipate all that they have yet to learn.
Please refer to the Kindergarten Handbook for further information.